Monday, July 16, 2012

Worship Team

The daily schedule is something like this (but we're always flexible)
6:30 a.m  Wakeup
7:00 a.m.  Breakfast
7:30 a.m.  Morning Devotion
8:00 a.m.  leave for josites
Noon'ish   lunch & jobsite devotion
4:30 p.m.  back at church, shower, dinner prep
6:00 p.m. Dinner
7:30 p.m. Evening Devotion & Worship team (that's us singing & playing music)
10:30 p.m. quiet time
11:00 p.m. lights out
        R E P E A T
  All the teams will be at the traditional services this Sunday, as well as at iConnect services the following Sunday. Listen to our projects, our stories and our songs. This trip would not be possible without ALL the support of the congregation, family, friends and countless others.

1 comment:

  1. 'I can do all things through him who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13

    Keep up the GREAT work. We are so proud of each of you and we will continue to pray for you.
