Thursday, July 19, 2012

Late postings

Apologies for posting late - WiFi & WWAN issues plus a dislocated thumb . . . . . .

Many thanks to Ryan for doing a considerable chunk of the typing, Mike Fournier for pulling the thumb back into place on several occasions (go ahead - ask him to "pull my finger") and Jeanie Nelson for the miracle kineseo-tape job (it works!).

This is the size of the local bugs.


  1. Thank you all for the updates that we did receive. Big bugs, little bats, disjointed body parts, thermal controls out of whack(dehydration).Got Tape? Ferris wheels, boat rides, Boom Booms~man made and God made. Navy pier, God time, Felowship, Passing it on~tv and leaving our mark. Thank you all : ) Very proud to be your family!

  2. We celebrated the work being done by all of you at Admin COuncil meeting last night and plugged the blog! Everyone is looking forward to your return and your witness Sunday morning! ♥
