Thursday, July 19, 2012

Team Can We Fix It day 2

YSP is driven so much on the emotion of the people that we help that we can’t help but sit down and talk to our host. Today, our team experienced one of the nicest gestures of kindness that I have ever seen. Angel, our host, bought us pizza and soda for lunch today, and we sat down and talked with her while we were eating. She has been through so much in her life that she could write a book about it. It really makes you want to do even more to help when you know and understand what they’ve been through. It really touched us all emotionally to see someone who had been through so many horrible things, and then invite us into her home and sit and talk.

We got a lot of work done today, as we have almost completely finished the wheelchair ramp and are almost ready to start replacing the top layer of the front porch. We spent a lot of time cutting and unloading wood and for some of us the day went mostly slow. It was also an interesting experience when the local news showed up and interviewed Adam. It was amazing to see that our gesture of loving and serving God was noticed by more than just us and hopefully will leave an impact on people seeing us on T.V.

Everyone in our team is seriously amazing with what they can accomplish, and it shows that even the most unlikely person can do an awesome work for God. I hope that we can continue to have accident free days and that everyone will stay strong in our work so we can finish our project. I look forward to working with my team tomorrow and serving God some more. Amen

Ryan C,

Team “Can We Fix It”

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